Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Enfamil Gentlease Lipil Powder

cheaper option Enfamil Gentlease Lipil for babies with fussiness or Gas. Milk Based Powder.? What would be a cheaper version of Enfamil Gentlease Lipil for babies with fussiness or Gas? Milk Based Powder. My son is using Enfamil Gentlease Lipil for babies with fussiness or Gas. Milk Based Powder right now but is expensive. What would you say is the same thing but cheaper?? I asked his doctor and she is just promoting the same one with no alternative. Please help!!

SeAtTleZmOstWaNTed replied: "Walgreens has its own brand and it smell and taste the same as Enfamil Gentlease plus on the jar is says Compare to Enfamil Gentlease and it costs only $13 for a 24oz jar and sometimes they even put them onsale for $4 a can."

bigsisteramber1 replied: "go to walmart.. they make parents choice! it is the exact thing but much cheaper"

lisa_in_louisiana replied: "Walmart has their own brand of formula as well. My Peditrician said they are all the same. I used the lactose free version for my son!"

abear1983 replied: "my son is on the same one. we tried the cheaper ones w/ no luck. he wouldnt drink it.

everytime you go to the dr, get samples of it! 3 of the small sampl cans = 1 large can.

also, if you want to email your addie, i can mail you a couple coupon checks as we are going to start switching him over to milk soon

ETA: be careful on ebay! i got gentlease checks from someone on there and they were fake. also it doesnt always work out cheaper w/ formula b/c of shipping so just remember that."

mommy of boy and girl replied: "Wal-mart has one and it's called Parent's Choice Gentle formula. It has the same ingredients. The only difference is the consistency and color of the formula and of course, the price. I think Parent's Choice brand is about $12-13 give or take a few dollars. But hey, you save money in the long run. Rather than paying for 4 cans of Enfamil of about $25 a can which equals $100. You will pay $12 a can of parent's choice for 4 cans and only pay $48."

faithful wife replied: "ask your Dr for samples or email Enfamil for some. My son is on Nutramagin by Enfamil and they only do samples of that through Dr.'s offices. Enfamil told me to get samples from my Dr. And since not too many babies are on Nutramigen, my nurse was more than happy to give me samples whenever I requested them.

Doesn't really answer your question I guess, but maybe it will help anyhow! =)"

Renee replied: "Target Gentle. It is about 15$ for a 26 ounce can."

NEWMOM08 replied: "If your looking for cheaper formula and if you can't find a generic brand try look on ebay there is tons that people sell formula that is brand new and you can always get for at least half of the grocery store price."

shawns<3mommy replied: "walmart and target have some that is the same...

my son uses the same formula..."

formula question about enfamil gentlease powder formula? I usually use the liquid concentrate formula of enfamil lipil. I recently switched to the powder enfamil gentlease. i made 24 ounce batch in a container when the container was empty i noticed little like black dots is that normal in a powder formula? The container was clean and i used within 24 hrs after making it.

jedh replied: "I use the gentlease and I make batches in a container...but have never noticed any black dots. Are you sure it isn't the foam after being mixed. I use a hand mixer. After I mix the formula, I put it straight in the bottles...have never kept it in the container. I use it only for mixing."

What kind of formula is this really? I got a $5.00 off coupon for 24-ounce Enfamil Gentlease Lipil powder infant formula

Is that like the regular formula or what is that soy or what? Im lost

Due August 26th w/ #2 replied: "If it was soy formula it would say it was soy."

sundevils replied: "Watch out for rocket fuel in baby formula. I read a New York Times Article last week about it. It was formula manufactured in China. Don't buy formula from China!"

Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz replied: "No, not soy. The milk in it is partially broken down, so it's gentler on baby's tummy."

ASTRID M replied: "i use that one for my daughter. its for infanst that have gas and fussiness."

Kara B replied: "Its regular cow's based formula. Prosobee is a soy based formula and lactofree is lactose free. By saying gentlease, it just means that it is easier for the baby to digest."

nana replied: "it should be regular if it was soy then it should say so.."

eml replied: "Enfamil Gentelese just means that the proteins are partially broken down and are easier for a baby to digest."

Hunter's Mommy replied: "It is regular milk protein formula. The milk proteins are just broken down a little more so babies can easily digest it and not become gassy."

Josephina: Happily Married Momma replied: "Its formula for gassy/fussy babies."

Why is my 6 week old still so fussy and gassy on Enfamil Gentlease? She was constipated on Enfamil Lipil which made her so fussy all the time. The doctor switched her to enfamil Gentlease but it hasn't seemed to work. I'm noticing the same if not more gas with the new formula. She was also on concentrate before which in my opinion seems to taste better, but we are trying out the powder the dr. gave. What to do now?

memyselfand i replied: "OK try the enfamil nutramigin also remember that it takes a few days for the baby to adjust when changing formulas"

lagb1210 replied: "My son is the same way. I started him on enfamil lipil then the gentlease. He has been crying now for like a week straight. If he is not crying he is verry fussy. I dont want to change formulas without talking to his doctor first. mainly because formulas is very expensive, and I dont want to buy another can and find out he is still the same way. I have a doctors appointment tommarow so I will talk to his doctor about it.
Good luck. Give a call to his doctor to see what they have to say."

Mexicana replied: "What bottles are you using? We were using Enfamil Lipil, but that gave my son a lot of gas so we switched to Gentlease as well. He was still fussy and gassy so we switched from the Avent bottles to the Playtex Drop-Ins and that helped a lot! Good luck!"

Nicole C replied: "Hmm, this is an interesting question, as well as all the answers so far. See I put my son on Parents Choice- which is the generic brand of Enfamil. And he has some reflux issues, is gassy and quite fussy. So I put him on the gentlease too, and for awhile it seemed better- it helped with the spitting up, but not with the fussiness. I wonder if this is an Enfamil thing. I'm very tempted to go back to Goodstart which is what I used at first (I changed only because Parents choice is waaayy cheaper.) Anyways, just my thoughts."

♥ Mommy of 3 replied: "I went through formula hell with my son until he was 3 months old. Turned out to be acid reflux and not the formula... but we didn't know that so he went through many formulas- give it some time for him to adjust to the formula. Switch your bottles to Dr Browns. My baby get horrendous, painful gas from any other bottle. Some babies do better with the concentrate, you may want to use concentrate gentlease."

2 month old with bad gas. Should I switch back to Similac advance from enfamil lipil? I breastfeed, but have to supplement some. At first I was supplementing with similac advance and my baby was fine. I decided to try a sample of enfamil lipil, which is when the gassiness and constipation started. The gentlease did not help. Should I switch back to Similac advance or will it make it worse by switching again? I was using the ready to use with the similac and when switching to enfamil I used the powder. Would that have anything to do with it? What should I do? Should I just stick with the enfamil and wait for things to get better or should I try switching back?


banderson replied: "No harm in switching back if the gas is caused by what you are using now. Sounds to me like you are supplementing a lot, or it wouldnt be that big of an issue.

My daughter had a dairy sensitivity, so she couldnt have any formula with milk in it. There are several other formulas on the market that cater towards baby that have a hard time digesting them. There are soys and other types that are broken down into smaller "particles" to help."

tammy lou replied: "There is a baby tums (liquid drops) available any where. It is awsome. Whenever your baby shows signs of uncomfort give a few drops and watch the relief. I think its called Yummy Tummy.
Ask any pharmacist at walmart or any grocery store. They will know what your talking about. Dont leave home without it."

alvarez53403 replied: "its not a problem switching back if u want to but gas shouldnt be a problem u want them to let that out but as for the constipation thats a problem if shes gassy and constipated that doesnt make sense to me maybe its one thing thats causing the gas and another causing the constipation try to switch and see what changes... i would"

B G replied: "I formula fed my son. He had gas/stomache issues with all different kinds of formula. We ended up getting something that was $7 for a reg sized can, but well worth it. It ended all his issues of formula. I wish I could remember the name of it for you. It was among all the other formulas, but was the highest priced for that size."

DaniZ replied: "Always ask your doctor before switching formulas, that way when something like this happens you can ask his or her advice.

Try switching back, if it doesn't go away by switching back call your doctor and explain everything and see what he/she says.

Good luck! We went through a lot of gas and constipation with my son until he was about 8 months old."

jrenee replied: "My son eats the Similac Isolmic advanced and he gets bad gas. I would be careful about switching formulas too much. Talk to your doctor for the expert advice!"

thaonecleopatra replied: "I did the exact same thing and my son was 6 weeks old. The Enfamil made my son gassy and very constipated. It scared me really bad. My pediatrician said to switch him back. I did that and within 24 hours he was back to his old self. Try that and see how that works. Good Luck."

Marc J replied: "yes"

nenaramirez replied: "There's no problem on switching back to another formula, but always ask your pediatrician before. A good idea to deal with gas is Mylicon Gas Drops or using another formula like Enfamil Gentle Ease"

What's your favorite powder formula for supplementing with while breastfeeding? I'm a first time mom who's exclusively pumping and feeding my 6 week old son breastmilk, but thrice I've had wonky days where my milk production was slightly off, and I had to supplement with a powder formula. My son tends to be gassy, so I chose Enfamil's Gentlease Lipil.

It smells slightly worse than most formulas I've smelled previously, but mixes nicely and he seems to tolerate it just fine. I'm just curious if anyone had a better suggestion as to what formula is great for the occasional supplement bottle. I know that technically they're all the same because they're required to be, but everyone has their own life experiences to draw from.

Thanks! :)

Jamie replied: "try enfamil soy formula it worked great for my son and less gas using it"

DERLANDSON replied: "Good old Enfamil is the best as it does NOT stain clothing like other formulas do. Also, my Ped told me years ago that Enfamil is the closest to Mother's milk there is. Good Luck !!!!"

Liandrew00 replied: "If your baby is tolerating what your using then you're doing a great job. I started with Nestle Good Start, it's says it's easier to digest, and he seemed to like it. I hated pumping when I had to be away, so that's what he got, and he seems to not mind it."

smunfifa replied: "Hi! My daughter has been on Nestle Good Start since I was unable to breastfeed when she was 5 weeks old due to a bad infection. She is a big baby and seems happy with it, so I haven't switched."

Josh & Shorty replied: "The pediatrician told me that Enfamil, Similac, and Nestle are about the same as far as what is in them, but that baby's stomach does not tolorate switching around. She said that switching can cause gas, upset stomach, and crankyness.

I had to feed my baby formula for a week after we came home from the hospital because the vicoden they had given me for the c-section was getting thru my milk to the baby and making her lethargic. We ended up using Similac because that is what they gave her in the hospital. The only complaint I had about the Similac was that it seemed to make her a little constipated, but then again, they say that is normal for infants that are used to being breastfed and switch to formula."

What next? Baby is still spitting up..? Ok, first off here is a little history on my almost 3 month old daughter. she was born May 29th. When she was born she was put on Enfamil Lipil, at 1 week she was switched to Enfamil Gentlease which she was on until July 13th, and then Enfamil AR for 2 days, She was then switched to Enfamil Nutramigen a week later. Up until August 15th she was on Enfamil Nutramigen Powder. WIC has recently changed Nutramigen to the Concentrate rather than the powder. The first formula change at first was when she was born constipation and gasiness. Later excessive spitting up. Since she has been on the Nutramigen she also gets 2tbs of rice cereal in her bottles and .6ml (point 6ML) of Zantac twice a day. She weighs 13.5lbs and is 23 inches long. She is still spitting up, and I'm not talking about just a little either sometimes it's an ounce or more. She is still gaining weight though. I am just wondering if I need to take her back to the pediatrician again, she has Acid Reflux. I am not sure what else I can do to help the spitting up. Her sister was somewhat the same but she stop spitting up once she started eating cereal. Does anyone have any idea what else I can try to help the spitting? She does not go to the pediatrician until Oct. 1st.
I am giving her rice cereal per dr's orders.

Baby Colton is home! 7-02-09 replied: "wow. it sounds like you are doing all that you can..... when the baby sleeps do you have her at an incline? that might help."

Amy P replied: "why are you feeding her rice cereal?"

dmg replied: "She's gaining weight. Is she a generally happy enough baby? Then, don't worry about it.

My son was a spitter for the first six months of his life. We gave him normal formula (we did use the playtex drop-ins to reduce air, for what it's worth) and just dealt. I had a zip-up sweatshirt that I wore nearly all the time when holding him and washed almost daily.

I'm not sure what you can do besides wait it out and deal. We had some blanket/pad type things that we used in his stroller and bouncers so we didn't have to clean them all the time. We just got used to it and it eventually passed. We never gave him cereal in the bottle or anything like that.

All babies spit up. Formula-fed babies tend to spit up more. Some formula-fed babies spit up even more than that. If she isn't unhappy and is gaining weight, I'd stop screwing around trying to fix it and just wait until she grows out of it."

jenleeflem replied: "Try feeding her in little bursts at a time. If she drinks 4oz at a time, feed her one oz and then burp her. Then feed her another oz and burp her again. Try doing that until she is done with her bottle. If she is on 8oz, I would only burp her every 2oz. You might also want to try feeding her less at a time, but more often. Obviously, you want to make sure that you are using the bottles that give baby the least gas possible.

Hope that helps."

Shera replied: "Okay first of all I cannot believe that her formula has been changed so much. Changing formula in and of itself can upset a baby's fragile digestive system.

Secondly as long as she is gaining weight and growing properly then she is keeping down enough food to be healthy. So there is no need to rush her to the Dr. before her next scheduled appointment.

Make sure you burp her really well after each feeding. Sometimes spit up can be directly related to the baby swallowing air or having gas on the stomach. But some babies just spit up a lot. I have an uncle who spit up all the time. I forget what my grandma called it but he had trouble keeping food down until he was a toddler.

Doctors and nurses will not tell you this but when an infant gets constipated fixing it can be as simple as making sure you give them a few ounces of water everyday. Some babies need that. (medical personnel will tell you infants do not need water they get all they need from their food but my son needed the water and so did one of my nephews, no farther treatment was needed after that.)"

в—„в˜»RNв˜»в–є replied: "if she has reflux , she should be on a med to decrease the acid; unfortunately there really isn't much else to stop the spitting up; we used AR and it helped; of course she still spit up, but it wasn't as much and she had it bad; we had to cover the sofa, pillows, and whoever was feeding her with towels; it just takes time for the sphincter to develop to prevent the spit up....the meds keep it from eroding the lining of their esophagus or stomach, which is painful.....hth;"

Will switching from breast milk to formula be to hard on my babys stomach? I just had a baby girl on January 23. I have been breast feeding her but I cant stand the pain and the constant milk flow. I have started her on formula and she seems to be crying more. Could this be hurting her stomach? I put her on Enfamil Gentlease Lipil for babies with fussiness or gas 0-12 monthes in powder form. Is this ok? Is there better formula out there for her?? Please help.........Im a first time mommy:)

Ethel replied: "Yup it will be hard on her stomach, it can make her sick. All formula are pretty equivalent in effect and nutrition, but at her age I was recommended when supplementing a newborn to give only premixed ready to use formula for the 1st month (he needed it only 2 weeks until I could match his nutritional needs with my milk).

Breastfeeding should not hurt, either she is latching on wrong or you have an infection - please see a lactation consultant at least and try to see if you can resolve the problems with nursing. The leaking for most of us stops around 3 months."

~♫ Here on ♥the ranch♥ ♫~ replied: "My baby has made the transition fine. We did however put him on similac sensitive for a little while, now he is on the regular."

Stacia replied: "Could be hurting her tummy, could be that she just doesnt like it.

If you are still able to produce some milk, try doing half and half (Half breath milk and half formula for a little bit) and see if that doesnt help.

Be sure to burp her really good after each feeding. You can push her legs into her stomach or run them in a bycicle motion, often times that helps with gas. Get her som Gripe Water (Does wonders for a tummy ache!!!) Also, a warm bath can help with stomache aches and gas.

Hope that helps. If it continues, I would call or go see your Doctor and ask her what she recommends putting her on.

Good luck!!"

Tyff Taff replied: "formula is gross and yes it can mess up a babies stomach. Remember it is FAKE. Just to inform you some more. Because you JUST had a baby your still in the early stages of breast feeding. The milk flow slows down alot and the pain goes away after a few weeks and there is cream to help it."

jonahs mom replied: "you need to make the transition slowly, replacing 1 feeding at a time"

fool4love replied: "my daughter was born the same day and I did the same thing. I was breastfeeding but she had jaundice so I supplimented with enfamil lipil with iron and ended up stopping breastfeeding because when my milk came in it was just too much to bare. she is fine. she has been constipated but her pediatrician assured me its normal and she is fine... your baby might be gassy or constipated or she might not be eating enough. but as far as I am concerned the formula did not make her sick or fussy. (dont let anyone make you feel bad for stopping breastfeeding. its not for everyone and it is your body and your child) CONGRATULATIONS"

Samantha star replied: "need a picture of lucy from the peanuts swimming....i heard their was one with her and an innertube. i already have the underwater one...HELP!"

newmammy replied: "i think it might be hard on her stomach if you switched completely from breast to fomua milk.
breastmilk is easier to digest.
try to stick to the breastfeeding if you can, it is best for your baby.
try expressing a little milk after you feed her and rub it around the nipple, its better than any cream, also you could try to use nipple shields for a while until the pain goes.
well done and good luck"

Two month old eating 8 oz. every 3 hours...? Okay-

My two month old is eating eight ounces of Enfamil Gentlease Lipil every three hours. She goes through 15 cans (at least) of the powder formula every month! Plus, she's no where near on a schedule. She usually goes to bed at 4 am, gets up at 7 to eat then 10, then 1 and stays awake until about 2:30, goes back to sleep and gets up at 4pm, and alternates between cat naps (30 minutes to an hour) and awake time until she finally goes to bed again at 3 or 4 in the morning. I'm concerned- the schedule she's gotten herself in to is really hard on all of us, plus she's eating more than the average eight week old infant. Should I start cereal? Or perhaps bananas (First Foods, of course- not real banannas...)?

Jessica replied: "Maybe she's just not getting enough to eat at a given time. Don't take my word for it, but maybe start her on cereal. I know babies that have started eating cereal almost immediately after coming home from the hospital because they're so hungry!"

brownbug78 replied: "YOu need to speak to your health visitor about the amount she's eating and how often. WIth regards to the routine, you shuold try ditinguishing between day and night for her. If she's going to bed after every feed, then she'll never learn when "awake" time is and when "Sleep" time is.

Our son is 11 wks, and we always put him in day clothes when he gets up in the morning, and all day time naps are in his days clothes in his cot with the curtains open. When it's bed time, he goes into his jammies, all the lights get dimmed, my husband and I talk softer. He now sleep 7pm till 7am (waking twice for feeds), and has 3-4 short naps during the day."

aamna n replied: "starting any foods is way too early at her age. Cereals before 3 months of age increases baby's risk for type I diabetes. I would just stick with the formula, giving her whenever she demands it. Some babies are just hungrier than others."

RileysMom♥ replied: "no, its way too early for cereal, you could damage your babies digestive system because it isnt prepared for anything other than milk. You should talk to your doctor about this, i dont know about formula as i breastfeed, my baby is 3 months old and has never had problems."

Daisyhill replied: "She is far too little for cereal or anything solid....her tummy does not have the enzymes to break it down and it could give her allergies or intolerances later on...or damage her stomach lining.

To be honest, she sounds like my baby at that age...I was so shocked that she wanted to feed so often and the formula cost us a fortune. What I did about the constant waking up, was to give her a bath and put her in bed in a dark room, at 6.30pm or as near as that to her last feed that you can get....then leave her...mine went to sleep for longer because of the dark and the quiet...when she woke up for more food I just went in to the dark room and fed her there without really talking to her and then once winded, I put her back in bed....mine really took to it after a while....I reccomend it...they dont know it's nighttime till you tell them it is."

Is there a difference between the ready made formula and the powdered formula within a brand.? I have been trying to find the right formula for my 6 week old... He has been very fussy, suffering from gas and I thing reflux. He first started on enfamil Lipil then switched to Gentlease and now Nutramigen... I started him on the ready made formula since i recieved free samples from the doctor... however, when I switched to the powdered type of each one, I noticed increase fussiness... is there a difference?

Jillian replied: "because the powdered kind gives more gass bubbles andd it is also in contact wiht more bacteria- ready amde is best of all but it's costly"

Dimples replied: "yes sometimes the powder can constipate some babies. it depends. some people find the powder convienient for thier sake because it doesnt spoil. the liquid however may be better for his little tummy to digest, but it spoils fast. it has to be used in 48 hours from the time you open the container."

baby_gurl replied: "My baby is 6 weeks old with reflux. my baby seems to be doing better with powder milk. Her doctor had me put rice cereal in the milk. It really does get allot of bubbles so I bought the Dr Browns bottles and they made all the diff. If you cant afford ready made you should give these bottles a try. kinda hard to clean but worth all the effort."

duffbitch replied: "my son was the same way and i switched him over myself to powder soy fornula.. the walmart brand//my dr assured me that that brand had the same nutrients and was just as good as the other leading brand and cost half as much.. so i began keeping him on that.. he loved it.. was not nearly as fussy and is now 7 and strong and healthy.. i rave to all who will listen the benefits of soy and the walmart version!!!
good luck"

Net Buddy replied: "Yes, there is a difference in the ingredients . . . for example, Alimentum powder contains corn-derived ingredients, but the Alimentum Ready-to-Feed does not (and is, in fact, the only formula on the market that does not contain corn)."

babybugs1980 replied: "Aside from the ingredients listed between ready to feed and powdered, the biggest difference is the water! Your tap water/boiled water/nursery water or whatever you use is different from the ready to use stuff. We found that using just plain old bottled water worked best for us. Discovered this by accident when we were camping and hubby left for awhile with all the boiled water still in the van and I had a hungry boy, I grabbed a bottle of water and mixed with that and he ate way more than usual and didn't have nearly the same gas issues. YMMV though."

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