Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Enfamil Gentlease Lipil Ready To Feed

throws up every meal..? my 3 month old throws up after every bottle. i feed him 5 oz every 3 hrs. but if he goes longer ill give him 6. he was born 8.4 & drank 2 1/2 oz coming home from the hospital. i cant possibly be over feeding him cuz he cries & cries until i give him more & he'll go for the bottle all crazy. i was giving him enfamil lipil (concentrated) at first then changed it to enfamil gentlease for gas problems, (it only came in powder) he threw that formula up insanly it was like half the bottle! at that time he only drank 4 oz. the doctor said it was maybe becuz it was too thin so i switched him back to lipil he was good at first, then started throwing up alot again! so the doctor has suggested the enfamil a.r. ive been doing that for about a week i only had a couple spit ups but thats normal, what he was doing before wasnt. then just yesterday i bought the a.r. ready to use can & for the first time he threw up again. he threw up maybe 2 out of 3 bottles. now i dont know am i worrying for no reason? could it be that ive changed his formulas soo much? 1 month was the gentlease 2 i went bak to lipil & 3 1/2 trying a.r. anybody know hat could be wrong??

1982 replied: "My baby is 2 months old now & we went through the same thing when he was a month old. I found out that I wasn't sterilizing his bottles correctly & I was using the wrong kind of bottles unfortunately. I got him a bunch of AVENT bottles & steam sterilizer. I sterilize all his bottles with every feed & the bottles are really good coz they reduce the amount of swallowed air in the stomach. It really did the trick for me.

Doesn't seem to be overfeeding coz he takes a little less than your baby (due to age).

Also try to burp him more often, during & after the feed. Keep him upright as much as possible (in an Infant seat) coz maybe he has GERD (Gastric Reflux) which is normal in young babies & will go away when his stomach sphincter muscles become stronger. Hope this helps!!"

she-skull replied: "He might be intolerant to milk. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about trying either a lactose free formula or even a soy based forumula."

Jenny R replied: "Changing his formula should not make him throw up like that. 5oz every 3 hours for a 3 month old is not too much formula. It sounds to me like your son may have acid reflux. There is a sphincter muscle at the top of the stomach that keeps food down. In reflux the muscle is not strong enough to keep the food down. It is very common in babies and can be treated fairly easily just until the muscle strengthens on it's own. My daughter had it and I went trough exactly what your explaining. All the while it was never the formula that was the problem it was her little belly.Good Luck"

Tracy S replied: "THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW!!! My baby will be 13 weeks on Monday. For a while now, she throws up a lot. I kept asking the dr about it but she kept blowing me off, saying "She's just eating too fast" She started on Enfamil Lipil with Iron & we switched her to Enfamil Gentlease because of the vomiting & gas. She still kept throwing up. I even added rice cereal to the formula like other people told me. Even 40 mins after eating, the whole bottle will come back up. Last week, it was so much worse than usual- it was even coming out her nose!! I took her immediately to another dr on Monday. She sent me to Childrens hospital foa GI test where she swallowed barium to see how her digestive tract was. They said that it was severe acid reflux & put her on a baby form of zantac. She also has to go back to the hospital for a milk scan on Thursday to see if she's lactose intolerant or has any milk allergies."

Similac Aliementum formula...Please help!!? My daughter is a month old and we have tried almost EVERY formula out there. We put her on Enfamil Lipil, that made her have really bad gas and she was really fussy...never seemed satisfied after a feeding.She also had red bumps all over her body and dry skin. Then we put her on similac advantage, same thing happened. Then I put her on the Similac soy milk and she had really bad diarhea. Then the Doc. put her on enfamil gentlease and she broke out in red bumps all over her body and she had really dry skin. She also started to get constipated.

So, then I put her on Enfamil Prosobee. That has worked great EXCEPT now she is spitting up a lot, and she has ALL the symtoms of acid reflex. I put her down after a feeding and she cries. She burst out crying out of nowhere. She seems annoyed and irritated when she's eating (she acts hungry but when I go to feed her, she doesn't want it). She cries when I hold her in a cradle position but not when I hold her up over my shoulder.

So, we have figured out that she is lactose-intolerant. She has a very senstive stomache. But now, I believe she has acid reflex. She has all the symptoms

I put her on the Similac Aliementum liquid (ready to eat) kind around noon today and it's now 9pm at night. She just ate 4 oz. and threw it ALL up EVERYWHERE!! Now she acts fine and happy but hungry again.

Do you think she threw up from the formula and it's not working for her or do you think I should give it more time?
im not bf, dont want to and dont need anyones input on that
Mommy to a 2 yr. old girl----Regardless of what you have to say, I AM a good mom and I do know what is best for MY DAUGHTER. I would like to see you try to deal with her screaming fits for hours upon end in pain and see what you would do!! I can't stand to see him in pain, it breaks my heart. She is allergic to the other stuff...why would I keep her on that for longer when she's allergic to it!!??
Everyone says that changing formulas is bad but at the hospital, after I first had her, the nurses told me that we could use different formulas and we didn't have to stick to just one. But, I guess she was wrong and I will give this Similac Aliementum 2 weeks to see improvement. I really hope it works
Because I don't really know for sure if she is lactose intolerant......
I wasn't trying to be mean, I'm sorry. I just assumed you were calling me a bad mom. Thank you for your help though, I will keep her on this and stop switching it. Im sorry again

Josephine replied: "formula itself is very harsh on babies digestive systems. have you tried nursing?"

D.d. :) replied: "ask a doctor and dont try anything else until u find out from a doctor what's wrong and what's best for her"

Mom of Ethan and Sophie replied: "I don't want to sound mean, but changing formula that often is really bad for the baby's digestive tract.... told to me by a pediatric gastroenterologist. Stop changing formulas and get a referral to a pediatric gastro as soon as you can. Pediatrician's are great about a lot of "general" things, but specialists are EXCELLENT about certain things. If she's had this much trouble, I really would take her to a specialist and get it figured out, no more guessing at what's wrong with her. I would call your ped. in the morning and tell them what's going on and see if they will get you into a specialist right away.

Good luck!"

Hannah's mommy replied: "First of all, Alimentum is not for Lactose intolerance, it is for milk PROTEIN sensitivity.

If you *think* she is lactose intolerant, she needs to be on lactose free formula.

She is probably having problems because you keep switching her formula's over and over again and not giving her tummy time to heal and adjust.

When my daughter went on Alimentum for protien sensitivity our GI doctor said it takes up to 2 weeks for their tummies to adjust and heal.

Are you under a doctor's advice for this or just doing this all on your own? You need to stick to a formula for a bit."

Mommy to a 2yr old replied: "Like I told you last time you asked this question before you switched again! You can't change her formula this many times in a month!! I feel like I have no choice but to be mean now. You are not letting her body adjust to each formula. You assume it's the formula that is not working when really she just can't adjust because you have switched her formula 5 times now in just one month! It's very hard on a newborns digestive system to keep switching formulas. Like I said before she needs at least 2 weeks to adjust to the new formula! Please stop switching her formula so much, you are just making her suffer more! If she's lactose intolerant then you need to put her on a lactose free formula and stick to it for 2 weeks and see if it helps. Alimentum is not going to help her if she's lactose intolerant.

Edit - I NEVER accused you of being a bad mother! It just doesn't make since to me why you would give her all these formulas when you know she's lactose intolerant, why don't you put her on a lactose free formula to help her? I have dealt with a baby who was in pain and would scream. My daughter had acid reflux when she was a baby and it was not pleasant at all. I know what you're going through with a screaming baby. Stop assuming!
I am done.. I tried helping and get accused of calling you a bad mother."

Monica H replied: "Should've gone with the Enfamil ;)
If it is indeed acid reflux, then she'll have problems digesting any type of formula. Stick w/ whichever formula has worked best for her thus far and try giving her only 2oz at a time, burp her, then 2oz until she's full.
I do agree that switching formulas so frequently isn't a good idea, and you should definitely seek help from a gastroenterologist if she continues not being able to hold anything down as it could effect her growth and make her dehydrated (which can be very serious in small babies).
If she is showing signs of dehydration give her a little pedialyte in a bottle (it will also be helpful to see if she spits this up also or if it's just the formula). Overall, get to a GOOD pediatrician asap! Good luck, I really do hope you get everything figured out!

**I'd stick with the soy. Aliementum is milk based so if she's lactose intolerant or has a milk allergy it can still be problematic for her.
There's no need for anyone on here to be "mean". I've dealt w/ a screaming child and felt like I was going to LOSE it. People ask questions because they need helpful advice and a bit of comforting, I'm sure if a pediatrician was at her disposal she would be asking one!"

Jess is a mommy replied: "mommy to a 2 year old is right, just stick with one for a while....or better yet BREASTFEED!"

Paityn Alexis is here! 6lbs 8oz replied: "It would take more then just one bottle for the formula to start working. I would try it for at least 24-48hours and i deff would only switch formulas if my doctor reccomended it. Switching to all these different formulas in such a short period of time could be hurting her belly etc. Are you burping her after every ounce??? Maybe try some gas drops as well...alot of babies get gas. If all else fails she may very well have first child did and had to be put on zantac. I also was told by my doctor to add a tad bit of rice cereal to my sons bottles and i actually think thats what stopped him from throwing up..not the zantac. My son was also on similac isomil advance formula. Goodluck my father in law has a baby 3wks younger then my 11wk old and they are just went through everything your going through but their daughter is on the lactose-intolerant formula now and doing well."

photocritter replied: "*** My 10 week old baby boy had those same symptoms - we went through about 7 different formulas, Allimentum was the last resort - or so we thought. It turned out he had a milk protien allergy and we didn't know it. We didn't think a child could be so unhappy and fussy - he was put on Neocate formula (Rx only) and he is now a different child.

Please ask your doctor about a milk allergy. I wish we would have checked into it earlier, it would have saved our baby so much misery and pain.

Also, everyone says not to switch formula so much, you follow what you think is best, my doctor said, had we not switched our sons formula like we did, she would have not determined it was a milk allergy. ONLY YOU know your child. true, it takes about a week for a formula to get results, but with a milk allergy, you see a rejection in a matter of feedings, or atleast we did.

Also, try gripe water, found at most drug stores, while it won't cure him, it will ease him off some (or it did mine)

Please call your doctor tomorrow.

Best of luck!"

Erin P replied: "My son is six weeks old and has mild acid reflux. He started out on Similac Advance, then we tried Similac isomil (HORRIBLE poop and gas!), then back to the advance. He was also spitting up regularly. He is now on Good Start Gentle Plus and the spit up has reduced considerably and his gas is a lot milder than it was.

When we feed him we sit him as upright as possible, burp him after every ounce (he's up to 4), then sit him upright for 20-30 min. after he finishes the bottle. This seems like a lot of work, but it has cut down on the spit up. If he starts the spit up and gassiness again, I want to try the alimentum."

4month old not taking any milk other than nutramigen..? My daughter is 4 months and 1 week old..she was on nutramigen only ..earlier she was colicky and had reflux problem..not she is perfectly ok a happy child her reflux is also doctor we tried to shift her to other first time i tried giving her gentlease, she did not like the taste and took around 45 mins to drink 4 ounce..and after that she was ok..she slept 2 hrs..spitted only little and then after 4 hrs when i tried feeding her again..she did not take ...she is not ready to suck soon as i gave nutramigen she next feeding i tried giving her 1 ounce of Enfamil lipil..just to see if she likes the tase of that..but no..she was just not ready to suck...she cries..i had to give her nutramigen only after 4hrs again...
i am worried will she not ever take any other formula..? nutramigen is already so fine..i don;t wnat her to be sensitive,,and it is exp there any idea that i can make her drink other formula...?
everyone thanks for the answers..but in response to those who said that stick to nutramigen...actuaaly she is absolutely ok no more fussy child or more i don't think there is any need to stick to nutramigen..even the doctor said a go ahead for change of formula.
Moreover one feed she managed to drink 3.5 ounce of different formula and she digested it quite she can take other formula only that she is not liking the taste.

yesyesurugly replied: "Ok stop listen to her cues she doesnt like anything else, ur not making her sensitive my daughter was also on nutramigen and she turned out ok. please listen to ur baby, give her nutramigen dont listen to others telling u that ur making her pickly... give her what works for her what she is willing to take. u so dont want to have otherproblems if u keep on switching it like u do. stick to the one that works her digestive system is not going to be good if u keep on switching it around. STICK TO NUTRAMIGEN!!"

spottedtan5 replied: "She don't like the new taste, Mama.

Call your doctor and ask if you can mix the two types of formula safely. First do like 3 oz of the nutramigen mixed with the other, then when she's used to it gradually add more until you have her switched over completely.

Only do this with your doctor's ok!"

omg!twins!1 replied: "Try mixing her preferred formula with the one you want to switch to. My son was only on breast milk and when I returned to work we needed an alternative. He refused to eat. I gradually switched him by using first 3 oz of breast milk mixed with 1 oz of formula. Then after 3-4 days, increased the formula to half and half, until gradually over a month he would then take formula alone. Try this for your little one and be patient. It will work over time. Good luck!!"

sc1120 replied: "If your daughter needs the Nutraminigen, keep her on it! If she is ready to come off it, try this:
Day one - two - each bottle contains 3oz nutra. and one ounce Lipil.

Days 2-4 2 oz nutra, 2 oz Lipil per bottle

days 5-6 - 3 oz Lipil, 1 oz nutra.

By one week you have gradually moved her over so her tastes could adjust. You can lengthen or shorten these times however you want."

kim s replied: "My son was on Nutramingen and he did not get off it until he was closer to a year, it was the only thing his stomach could tolerate , I know it's expensive, but you gotta do what's necessary."


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